
Borderlands 3Ultraball
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
- ContentToy Box
- RarityLegendary
- ManufacturerTorgue
- Elements
UltraballAll Details
On impact grenade splits into 6 bouncing child grenades.
All grenades have colorful balls as their flight trail
- Elements
- variationsfixed parts
- Anointmentpossiblenone
Ultraball - Delivery Method
- Torgue - Exploder Grenade is thrown in an arc.
It immediately explodes on impact with an enemy.
UltraballHow to get it?
Unlocked via Purchase
You can buy the Toy Box Cosmetic Pack individually or one of these bundles that include it:
- Recommended: Pandora's Box
- Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition
- Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition
- Borderlands 3 Deluxe Edition
Upon purchase, the Ultraball Grenade, Girth Blaster Elite, and Hyper-Hydrator Pistols are sent to the inbox of all current and future characters.
Accepting the mail adds both items to your inventory and automatically adjusts them to your current level.