
Borderlands 3Fish Slap
Say hello to my little fish!
- ContentRevenge of the Cartels
- Bouncing Betty
- RarityLegendary
- ManufacturerPangolin
- Elements
Fish SlapAll Details
An additional Fish spawns on the first bounce, that explodes on first impact.
Fish Slap deals Melee damage.
All Elements & Non-Elemental on the Fish Slap are equally common with 16.66%.
- Elements
- variationsfixed parts
- Anointmentpossiblenone
Fish Slap - Delivery Method
- Pangolin - Rubberized Grenade is thrown in an arc and bounces of surfaces.
Each bounce increases explosion damage and radius.
Fish Slap - Behaviors
The Fish Slap spawns with any combination of 2 or 3 Behaviors.
All Behaviors are equally common.
Each Behavior can occur 1 | 2 | 3 times which increases its effect.
- Singularity Pulls enemies in for 1.0s | 1.5s | 2.0s.
- Jumping Jumps 1 | 2 | 4 times, +10% | +15% | +20% damage per jump.
- Generator Heals shields for 30% | 60% | 100% of shield damage dealt.
- Link +15% | +30% | +50% Damage for each damaged enemy.
- Roider +20% | +35% | +50% Grenade Damage.
- Elemental Damage (Elemental Fish Slaps only) +20% | +30% | +40% Elemental Damage with +85% | +70% | +55% Chance.
- -45% Damage.
Fish SlapHow to get it?
General Farming Guidance
Like all of the three Borderlands 3 events, Revenge of the Cartels was added to the base game on June 24, 2021.
You can enable one of the three events at a time in the main menu ▸ Play.
To efficiently farm the exclusive Revenge of the Cartel items, follow these steps:
- Accept Maurice's quest near Hammerlock's room on Sanctuary III.
- The quickest place to collect 30 Decoder Rings is at Carnivora's entrance.
- Proceed to Villa Ultraviolet and defeat two mini-bosses. Those won't reappear in the final fight.
- Joey Ultraviolet will spawn with two random mini-bosses.
To reroll them, exit to the main menu and reload the game. - To farm the desired mini-bosses, simply die or fast travel to respawn them.
As long as you don't kill Joey and stay in the game, the same mini-bosses will keep respawning.
Fish SlapDrop Rates
Mini-Bosses next to Joey: 11.6%