Applying a Status Effect stacks Elemental Damage for a short time.
Max Stacks: 10
Stack Duration: 10s
Elemental Damage: +2.5% /stack
You summon a Plaguestorm at the target location, dealing Poison Status Effect Damage over time in an area.
The Plaguestorm periodically unleashes Elemental Bolts at random enemies below, dealing random elemental Ability Damage. Elemental Bolts can't apply Status Effects.
A percentage of your Non-Ability Damage dealt is stored. Elemental Bolts consume the stored damage and evenly divide it among damaged enemies.
Duration: 20s
Cooldown: 60s
Damage stored: 25% of Damage dealt
You summon a Bog Totem Companion at the target location.
The Bog Totem periodically spawns Elemental Bog Spirits that seek out nearby enemies, exploding on impact and dealing Ability Damage. The Spirit's Element is based on your currently equipped Gun when activated.
Killing an enemy restores 10% of the Bog Totem's Duration. Pinging an enemy will cause your Bog Totem to target them.
Duration: 15s
Cooldown: 45s
Charges: 2
Max Totems: 4
Applying a Status Effect has a chance to spawn a Spirit Swarm Companion that seeks out nearby enemies dealing elemental Damage over time based on the applied Status Effect.
Applying a new Status Effect extends the Spirit Swarm's Duration. Higher Damage Status Effects replace the Spirit Swarm's Damage Type.
Pinging a new enemy redirects the Spirit Swarm.
Duration: 10s
Extra Duration: +1.5s
Damage: same as applied Status Effect