Borderlands 2Skill Tree Calculator

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Buzz Axe Rampage

Buzz Axe Rampage

Press [action-skill] to start your Buzz Axe Rampage.
During Rampage you gain increased Melee Damage and Move Speed, but can't sprint*.

Killing an enemy instantly restores 100% Health.
Taking damage decreases Rampage's Cooldown.

Base Melee Damage: +400%
Move Speed: +40%
Duration: 15s
Cooldown: 120s

*Activating Buzz Axe Rampage while sprinting maintains the sprint speed.

Blood-Filled Guns

Blood-Filled Guns

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

You gain increased Magazine Size for each Bloodlust stack.

Damaging an enemy stacks Bloodlust.
Stacks start to decay after 1s of not dealing damage.

Max Bloodlust Stacks: 100
Stack Duration: 7s

`Mag Size`,`+x% /stack`,0.5____
Blood-Filled Guns
Blood Twitch

Blood Twitch

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Kill Skill

Killing an enemy increases your Weapon Swap Speed for each Bloodlust stack.

Damaging an enemy stacks Bloodlust.
Stacks start to decay after 1s of not dealing damage.

Max Bloodlust Stacks: 100
Stack Duration: 7s

`Swap Speed`,`+x% /stack`,0.3____
Kill Skill
Blood Twitch
Taste of Blood

Taste of Blood

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

While Buzz Axe Rampage is active, you gain increased Damage Resistance for each Bloodlust stack.

Each Kill during Buzz Axe Rampage rewards extra Bloodlust stacks.

`Damage Resistance`,`up to +x%`,[11.1,25,42.9,66.7,100,122.2,150,185.7,233.3,300,400]_`Extra Stacks`,`+x`,[10,15,20,25,30,33,36,39,42,45,48]___
Taste of Blood
Bloody Revival

Bloody Revival

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

While holding an Assault Rifle in Fight for your Life you gain increased Gun Damage for each Bloodlust stack.

`AR: Gun Damage`,`+x% /stack`,0.3____
Bloody Revival
Blood Overdrive

Blood Overdrive

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Kill Skill

Killing an enemy with bullet damage increases your Melee Damage and reduces Grenade Fuse Time per Bloodlust stack for a short time.

Duration: 7s

`Melee Damage`,`+x% /stack`,0.5_`Grenade Fuse Time`,`-xms /stack`,5___
Kill Skill
Blood Overdrive
Blood Bath

Blood Bath

Tier: 10
Max Points: 5

Kill Skill

Killing an enemy with Grenade, Rocket or Shield-Nova Damage increases your Gun Damage per Bloodlust stack for a short time.
Enemies killed this way have a greater chance to drop grenade ammo.

Duration: 7s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Gun Damage`,`+x% /stack`,0.5_`Grenade Ammo Chance`,`x%`,15___
Kill Skill
Blood Bath
Buzz Axe Bombardier

Buzz Axe Bombardier

Tier: 10
Max Points: 1


Your thrown buzz axes now have Dynamite attached to them.

The thrown ‍Dynamite Buzz Axe deals Normal Grenade Damage and explodes on impact, dealing Explosive Grenade Damage.
Both are boosted by Roid Damage, but only the direct hit benefits from Melee Damage.

Buzz Axe Bombardier
Fuel the Blood

Fuel the Blood

Tier: 10
Max Points: 5

Kill Skill

Getting a Melee Kill increases your Grenade Damage per Bloodlust stack for a short time.
Additionally, Melee Kills rewards extra Bloodlust stacks.

Duration: 7s

`Grenade Damage`,`+x% /stack`,0.2_`Extra Stacks`,`+x`,2___
Kill Skill
Fuel the Blood
Blood Trance

Blood Trance

Tier: 15
Max Points: 5

Each Bloodlust stack extends your Buzz Axe Rampage Duration, upon activation.

`Rampage Duration`,`+xs /stack`,0.05____
Blood Trance
Boiling Blood

Boiling Blood

Tier: 15
Max Points: 5

Delays the decay of Bloodlust stacks.

`Decay Delay`,`+xs`,0.5____
Boiling Blood
Nervous Blood

Nervous Blood

Tier: 20
Max Points: 5

Kill Skill

Killing an enemy increases your Reload Speed for each Bloodlust stack.

Duration: 7s

`Reload Speed`,`+x% /stack`,0.3____
Kill Skill
Nervous Blood


Tier: 25
Max Points: 1

Killed enemies trigger a matching Elemental Nova explosion after a 1.5s delay.
Fire kills trigger a Fire Nova already after a 0.75s delay. Physical kills trigger an Explosive Nova.

Bloodlust stacks and any Overkill Damage boost the Nova Damage.

Bonus Nova Damage: +5% /stack

Reset Tree
Empty the Rage

Empty the Rage

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Increases your Melee Damage.
While your Shield or Magazine is empty you gain further Melee Damage.

`Melee Damage`,`+x%`,4_`Extra: Melee Damage`,`+x%`,10___
Empty the Rage
Pull the Pin

Pull the Pin

Tier: 0
Max Points: 1

Upon death, you drop a free grenade.
Enemies killed by this grenade reward 2×XP.

Pull the Pin
Feed the Meat

Feed the Meat

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Increases Maximum Health and Shield Recharge Delay.

`Max-Health`,`+x%`,10_`Recharge Delay`,`+xs`,0.5___
Feed the Meat
Embrace the Pain

Embrace the Pain

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Increases your Shield Recharge Delay.
Additionally, while your Shield is empty you gain increased Fire Rate.

`Fire Rate`,`+x%`,7_`Recharge Delay`,`+xs`,1___
Embrace the Pain
Fuel the Rampage

Fuel the Rampage

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

You can now take Friendly-Fire Damage.

Taking damage reduces Rampage's Cooldown. Taking health damage doubles that bonus.

`Friendly-Fire Damage`,`x%`,[50,45,40,35,30,25,20,15,10,5,1]_`Skill Cooldown`,`-x%`,20___
Fuel the Rampage
Thrill of the Kill

Thrill of the Kill

Tier: 10
Max Points: 5

A percentage of Overkill Damage restores your Health.
The lower your health, the higher the percentage.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Overkill Lifesteal`,`up to x%`,[50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150]____
Thrill of the Kill
Light the Fuse

Light the Fuse

Tier: 10
Max Points: 1

Fight For Your Life is replaced with Light the Fuse.

During Light the Fuse you can move normally, but with a timed dynamite bundle in hand.

Killing an enemy grants you a Second Wind.
Gaining a Second Wind with the dynamite explosion increases your Movement Speed for remaining duration of Light the Fuse.

Move Speed: +40%

Light the Fuse
Strip the Flesh

Strip the Flesh

Tier: 10
Max Points: 5

You deal increased Explosive Damage.
This Bonus is doubled while in Fight for your Life.

`Explosive Damage`,`+x%`,3____
Strip the Flesh
Redeem the Soul

Redeem the Soul

Tier: 15
Max Points: 1

You now instantly Revive teammates, but reviving someone puts you in Fight for your Life.
You may instant revive only once each time Buzz Axe Rampage is on Cooldown.

Additionally, increases your Fight for your Life Duration.

Fight for your Life Duration: +50%

Redeem the Soul
Salt the Wound

Salt the Wound

Tier: 15
Max Points: 5

Taking direct health damage from an enemy stacks Salt the Wound. Stacks start to decay after a split second without gaining new stacks.

Each stack increases your Melee Damage.
While holding a Shotgun you gain increased Gun Damage for each Stack.

Max Stacks: 20

`Melee Damage`,`+x% /stack`,1.5_`Shotgun: Gun Damage`,`+x% /stack`,1___
Salt the Wound
Silence the Voices

Silence the Voices

Tier: 20
Max Points: 5

Increases your Melee Damage.

You now have a 12% chance to hit yourself with Melee Attacks.

`Melee Damage`,`+x%`,50____
Silence the Voices
Release the Beast

Release the Beast

Tier: 25
Max Points: 1


Activating Buzz Axe Rampage when below 33% Health, transforms you into a Badass Psycho Mutant and Restores 100% of your Health.
During the Badass Rampage, you gain increased Melee Damage and Damage Resistance.

When you return to normal, your Buzz Axe Rampage is instantly recharged.

Melee Damage: +100%
Damage Resistance: +100%

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Release the Beast
Reset Tree
Burn, Baby, Burn

Burn, Baby, Burn

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Increases your Burn Damage.
This Effect increases further while on fire.

Igniting an enemy has a chance to also light you on fire for 5s.

`Burn Damage`,`+x%`,7_`On Fire: Burn Damage`,`+x%`,15_`Self-ignition Chance`,`x%`,7__
Burn, Baby, Burn
Fuel the Fire

Fuel the Fire

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Kill Skill

Killing an enemy increases your Status Effect Chance.

Igniting an enemy has a chance to also light you on fire for 5s.

Duration: 7s

`Status Effect Chance`,`+x%`,40_`Self-ignition Chance`,`+x%`,7___
Kill Skill
Fuel the Fire
Numbed Nerves

Numbed Nerves

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

While on fire you gain increased Damage Resistance.

`Damage Resistance`,`+x%`,10____
Numbed Nerves
Pain is Power

Pain is Power

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Increases your Melee Damage and Gun Damage for all weapon types except Snipers.
But decreases your Crit Damage and Melee Crit Damage.

While on fire, these effects are tripled.

`Non-Sniper: Gun Damage`,`+x%`,5_`Melee Damage`,`+x%`,5_`Crit Damage`,`-x%`,5_`Melee Crit Damage`,`-x%`,5_
Pain is Power
Elemental Elation

Elemental Elation

Tier: 10
Max Points: 5

Dealing Status Effect Damage to an enemy stacks Fire Rate and Magazine Size.
Stacks decay after a short time of neither being on fire nor dealing Status Effect Damage to an enemy.

Max Stacks: 20
Decay Delay: 2s

`Fire Rate`,`+x% /stack`,[1,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0]_`Mag Size`,`+x% /stack`,1___
Elemental Elation
Delusional Damage

Delusional Damage

Tier: 10
Max Points: 1

All Status Effects you apply have a chance to light you on fire for 5s.
The Self Ignite Chance is the combined Chance from Burn, Baby, Burn and Fuel the Fire.

Delusional Damage
Fire Fiend

Fire Fiend

Tier: 10
Max Points: 5

Melee attacks have a chance to Ignite enemies.

Being on fire improves your Reload Speed, Accuracy and Recoil.

`Melee Ignite Chance`,`x%`,10_`On Fire: Reload Speed`,`+x%`,7_`On Fire: Accuracy`,`+x%`,10_`On Fire: Recoil`,`-x%`,10_
Fire Fiend
Flame Flare

Flame Flare

Tier: 15
Max Points: 5

Increases the duration of all Burn Effects on you.
Your Burn Effects on enemies have a chance to reignite after 4.5s.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Burn Duration`,`+x%`,20_`Reignite Chance`,`x%`,15___
Flame Flare
Hellfire Halitosis

Hellfire Halitosis

Tier: 15
Max Points: 1

Melee Override

Pressing [melee] causes you to breathe fire in a cone in front of you.

Cooldown: 15s

Melee Override
Hellfire Halitosis
Elemental Empathy

Elemental Empathy

Tier: 20
Max Points: 5

A percentage of Status Effect Damage done to enemies heals you.

`Status Effect Lifesteal`,`x%`,5____
Elemental Empathy
Raving Retribution

Raving Retribution

Tier: 25
Max Points: 1

While you are on fire, taking enemy damage spawns fireballs that home in on attackers and explode on impact.

Fireball Cooldown: 1s

Raving Retribution
Reset Tree