Press [action-skill] to turn invisible and create a holographic decoy for a short time.
Decepti0n ends when you attack, but ending Decepti0n early reduces the Cooldown of your next Decepti0n.
The longer you are invisible the greater your next attack's Damage.
Gun Damage: up to +200%
Melee Damage: up to +650%
Duration: 6s
Cooldown: 15s
Your bullets now Pierce enemies, dealing increasing Damage for each pierced enemy.
B0re doesn't work with rockets or other special projectiles.
While Decepti0n is active, your visor highlights enemy Crit Spots.
Pierce Damage: +100% /enemy
Scoring Sniper Crits stacks Critical Ascensi0n.
Scoring no Sniper Crit within 6s expires a stack each second. Switching to other weapon types expires all stacks.
Each stack of Critical Ascensi0n increases your Gun, and Crit Damage with Snipers.
Max Stacks: 999
Stack Duration: 5 min
Crit Damage: +6% /stack
Gun Damage: +5% /stack
When Decepti0n ends your holographic decoy explodes, dealing Shock Damage to nearby enemies.
While Decepti0n is active you gain increased Gun Damage, Movement Speed, and Health Regeneration.
During Decepti0n you gain the ability to throw 5 random elemental kunai.
Kunai don't receive increased Damage from Decepti0n, but won't end Decepti0n.
Additionally, Kunai apply Death Mark to targets.
Killing an enemy increases your Decepti0n Cooldown Rate and grants you Shield Regeneration for a short time.
Duration: 7s
During Decepti0n, you gain the ability to dash forward and perform a Special Melee Attack, dealing double Melee Damage.
Melee Kills during Decepti0n extend its Duration and spawn a new Decoy.
Extra Duration: +2s