Borderlands 3Skill Tree Calculator

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Action Skill
Rakk Attack!
Rakk Attack!
Gamma Burst
Gamma Burst
Fade Away
Fade Away
Gravity Snare
Gravity Snare
Rakk Open a Cold One
Rakk Open a Cold One
Falconer's Feast
Falconer's Feast
Flock 'N Load
Flock 'N Load
Atomic Aroma
Atomic Aroma
Empathic Rage
Empathic Rage
Burst Aid
Burst Aid
Guerrillas in the Mist
Guerrillas in the Mist
Not My Circus
Not My Circus
Until You Are Dead
Until You Are Dead
Unblinking Eye
Unblinking Eye
Wide Net
Wide Net
Trap Card
Trap Card
Blind with Anger
Blind with Anger
Rakk Open a Cold One
Rakk Open a Cold One
Falconer's Feast
Falconer's Feast
Flock 'N Load
Flock 'N Load
Atomic Aroma
Atomic Aroma
Empathic Rage
Empathic Rage
Burst Aid
Burst Aid
Guerrillas in the Mist
Guerrillas in the Mist
Not My Circus
Not My Circus
Until You Are Dead
Until You Are Dead
Unblinking Eye
Unblinking Eye
Wide Net
Wide Net
Trap Card
Trap Card
Blind with Anger
Blind with Anger
Spiderant Centurion
Spiderant Centurion
Spiderant Scorcher
Spiderant Scorcher
Spiderant Countess
Spiderant Countess
Guard Skag
Guard Skag
Great Horned Skag
Great Horned Skag
Eridian Skag
Eridian Skag
Jabber Sidekick
Jabber Sidekick
Beefcake Jabber
Beefcake Jabber
Gunslinger Jabber
Gunslinger Jabber
Pet ION Loader
Pet ION Loader
BUL Loader
BUL Loader
WAR Loader
WAR Loader
Whisper of Rot
Rage of the Ancients
Wyvern Companion
Mushroom Companion
Dirty Fighting
Demi-Lich Companion
Main Feat
Side Feat
Action Skill
Bog Totem
Bog Totem
Feral Surge
Feral Surge
Storm Dragon's Judgment
Storm Dragon's Judgment
Cleansing Flames
Cleansing Flames
Ghost Blade
Ghost Blade
From the Shadows
From the Shadows
Reaper of Bones
Reaper of Bones
Dire Sacrifice
Dire Sacrifice
Needed Points: 20

Blind with Anger

Instead of stunning enemies Gravity Snare Confuses enemies, causing them to attack their allies for a short time.

Confuse Duration: 8s

Needed Points: 15

Trap Card

While Gravity Snare is ready for activation, you'll throw your Trap at the enemy that downs you.

Duration: 16s

Needed Points: 10

Wide Net

Increases Gravity Snare's Duration and Radius.

Duration: +25%
Radius: +100%

Needed Points: 5


Stunning an enemy with Gravity Snare drops Ammo, Health, and Shield Boosters.

Needed Points: 15

WAR Loader

Your ION Loader upgrades to a WAR Loader with a Fire Shotgun and Grenades.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the WAR Loader to launch a Missile Barrage at the target.

Increases your Fire Rate and Burst-Fire Delay.

Fire Rate: +12%
Burst-Fire Delay: +12%

Needed Points: 10

BUL Loader

Your ION Loader upgrades to a BUL Loader with a Shotgun, increased Damage Resistance and a Roundhouse Melee Attack.
Issuing an Attack Command, turns the BUL Loader into a Bulldozer that charges and knocks up enemies.

Increases your Maximum Shield.

Max-Shield: +20%

Needed Points: 0

Pet ION Loader

You are joined by an ION Loader Companion with a Shock Sniper and homing Shock Orbs that when shot create a Shock Nova.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the ION Loader to fire a laser beam.

Due to an in-game bug, you take increased Elemental Damage.

Elemental Damage taken: +30%

Needed Points: 0

Gravity Snare

You toss out a Trap that sends out Zero Gravity impulses every 3s, causing enemies to levitate in a large radius and be stunned for 1s.

You can pick up the Trap to end Gravity Snare early and refund a portion of its Cooldown.

Duration: 16s
Cooldown: 36s

Needed Points: 20

Unblinking Eye

Hitting a target during Fade Away increases your Critical Damage. This resets every 3 hits.

Crit Damage: +75% /hit

Needed Points: 15

Gunslinger Jabber

Your Jabber evolves into a Gunslinger with an SMG.
Issuing an Attack Command, equips the Gunslinger with a Launcher for a short time.

Increases your Movement Speed and Critical Damage.

Movement Speed: +5%
Crit Damage: +5%

Needed Points: 15

Until You Are Dead

Your Health Regeneration and Movement Speed bonuses persists for 10s after Fade Away ends.

Needed Points: 10

Beefcake Jabber

Your Jabber evolves into a Beefcake with a Shotgun.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Beefcake to pull out a club that knocks back enemies.

Increases your Movement Speed and Maximum Health.

Movement Speed: +5%
Max-Health: +10%

Needed Points: 10

Not My Circus

When Fade Away ends, your pet Taunts nearby enemies and receives increased Damage Resistance for a short time.

Taunt Duration: 6s
Pet Damage Resistance: +80%

Loader Pets are unsupported!
Needed Points: 5

Guerrillas in the Mist

Fade Away no longer ends after 3 shots, but it has less Duration and Critical Damage.

Crit Damage: +25%
Fade Away Duration: 5s

Needed Points: 0

Jabber Sidekick

You are joined by a Jabber Companion with a Pistol.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Jabber to throw a Radiation Barrel at an enemy.

Increases your Movement Speed.

Move Speed: +5%

Needed Points: 0

Fade Away

You become Invisible and increase your Health Regeneration and Movement Speed.
While cloaked you can fire 3 shoots that are guaranteed Critical Hits.

Duration: 15s
Cooldown: 45s

Move Speed: +25%
Max-Health Regen/s: +3%
Crit Damage
: +200%

Needed Points: 20

Burst Aid

The Rift Gamma Burst creates remains for the full duration, granting Health Regeneration to nearby allies.

Max-Health Regen/s: +20%

Needed Points: 15

Eridian Skag

Your Skag evolves into an Eridian Skag.
Issuing an Attack Command creates a Singularity on the Eridian Skag that pulls in nearby enemies.

Increases your Damage dealt and Fire Rate.

Damage: +5%
Fire Rate
: +5%

Needed Points: 15


When you or your Pet kill an enemy during Gamma Burst extends its duration and increases Pet Damage for the duration.
These effects stack.

Max Stacks: 5
Gamma Burst Duration: +3s /kill
Pet Damage: +10% /kill

Needed Points: 10

Great Horned Skag

Your Skag evolves into a Great Horned Skag.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Great Horned Skag to charge and knock up enemies.

Increases your Damage dealt and Gun Damage.

Damage: +5%
Gun Damage: +10%

Needed Points: 10

Empathic Rage

While Gamma Burst is active, you deal increased Damage.

Damage: +20%

Needed Points: 5

Atomic Aroma

While Gamma Burst is active, your Pet radiates, dealing constant Radiation Area Damage to nearby enemies.

Needed Points: 0

Guard Skag

You are joined by a Skag Companion.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Skag to vomit acid onto enemies.

Increases your Damage dealt.

Damage: +5%

Needed Points: 0

Gamma Burst

You teleport your Pet through a Rift at the target location, dealing Radiation Area Skill Damage.
This adds Bonus Radiation Damage to your pet's attacks, prevents damage beyond 1 Health and enlarges it for the duration.

For twice the Cooldown, you can use this skill to revive your Pet, restoring 30% of its Health and teleporting it through the Rift.

Duration: 20s
Cooldown: 30s

Needed Points: 20


Rakk Attack gets increased Cooldown Rate and 1 Extra Charge.

Cooldown Rate: +20%

Needed Points: 15

Spiderant Countess

Your Spiderant evolves into a Countess.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Countess to burrow underground and then emerge dealing Corrosive Area Damage.

You gain passive Health Regeneration and Damage Resistance.

Max-Health Regen/s: +1%
Damage Resistance: +5%

Needed Points: 15

Flock 'N Load

Rakk Attack sends forth 2 Extra Rakk.

Needed Points: 10

Spiderant Scorcher

Your Spiderant evolves into a Scorcher, that deals Fire Damage to nearby enemies.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Scorcher to charge into enemies.

You gain passive Health Regeneration and increased Elemental Damage.

Max-Health Regen/s: +1%
Elemental Damage: +10%

Needed Points: 10

Falconer's Feast

Dealing Damage with Rakk Attack, restores a portion of your Health.

Max-Health restored: 7%

Needed Points: 5

Rakk Open a Cold One

Converts your Rakk Attack to Cryo Damage.

Needed Points: 0

Spiderant Centurion

You are joined by a Spiderant Companion.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Spiderant to charge into enemies.

You gain passive Health Regeneration.

Max-Health Regen/s: +1%

Needed Points: 0

Rakk Attack!

You send forth 2 Fire Rakk that attack an enemy dealing Fire Area Skill Damage.
This skill has multiple charges.

Cooldown: 18s
Skill Charges: 2

Self-Repairing System

Self-Repairing System

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Maximum Health and Health Regeneration.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Max-Health`,`+x%`,6_`Max-Health Regen/s`,`+x%`,0.3___
Passive Skill
Self-Repairing System
Sic 'Em

Sic 'Em

Tier: 0
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases Attack Command Damage and reduces its Cooldown.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Command Damage`,`+x%`,10_`Command Cooldown`,`-x%`,10___
Passive Skill
Sic 'Em
Furious Attack

Furious Attack

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Hunter Skill

Shooting an enemy stacks Gun Damage, Pet Damage, and Handling for a short time.

Max Stacks: 10
Stack Duration: 4s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Gun Damage`,`+x% /stack`,0.4_`Pet Damage`,`+x% /stack`,0.6_`Handling`,`+x% /stack`,1.0__
Hunter Skill
Furious Attack
Eager to Impress

Eager to Impress

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Kill Skill

Killing an enemy reduces your Skill Cooldown.

When your pet gets a kill your Attack Command Cooldown is reset and your Skill Cooldown is reduced even more.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Skill Cooldown`,`-xs`,0.25_`Pet Kill: Skill Cooldown`,`-xs`,0.5___
Kill Skill
Eager to Impress
All My BFF's

All My BFF's

Tier: 5
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

You share a Health Regeneration portion with the Team.
Your pets share double the Health Regeneration.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Team: Health Regen`,`x%`,16.666_`Pet: Health Regen`,`x%`,33.333___
Passive Skill
All My BFF's


Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Fire Rate.
Reloading doubles this bonus for a short time.

Duration: 4s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Fire Rate`,`+x%`,2____
Passive Skill
Lick the Wounds

Lick the Wounds

Tier: 10
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Your Pet gets the ability to revive you. If it does, your pet gains increased Damage for a long time.

Pet Damage: +30%
Duration: 60s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Lick the Wounds
Turn Tail and Run

Turn Tail and Run

Tier: 10
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

While moving, you gain Health Regeneration and Damage Resistance.
While still, you gain Gun Damage and Fire Rate.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Max-Health Regen/s`,`x%`,0.3_`Damage Reduction`,`+x%`,7_`Gun Damage`,`+x%`,8.333_`Fire Rate`,`+x%`,4_
Passive Skill
Turn Tail and Run
The Fast and the Furryous

The Fast and the Furryous

Tier: 15
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

While above 50% Health, you gain increased Gun Damage, Pet Damage, and Movement Speed.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Gun Damage`,`+x%`,8.333_`Pet Damage`,`+x%`,10_`Move Speed`,`+x%`,3.333__
Passive Skill
The Fast and the Furryous
Hidden Machine

Hidden Machine

Tier: 15
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

You deal increased Damage* to enemies who aren't targeting you.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Hidden Machine
Rage and Recover

Rage and Recover

Tier: 20
Max Points: 5

Kill Skill

Killing an enemy grants you and your pet Health Regeneration for a short time.

Duration: 3s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Max-Health Regen/s`,`+x%`,1.6____
Kill Skill
Rage and Recover
The Power Inside

The Power Inside

Tier: 25
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Activating an Action Skill, increases your and your pet's Damage for a short time.
If you are at full health this bonus is doubled.

Damage: +25%
Duration: 15s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
The Power Inside
Reset Tree
Select Class
Spore Warden
Spore Warden


Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Pet Damage.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Pet Damage`,`+x%`,10____
Passive Skill
Persistence Hunter

Persistence Hunter

Tier: 0
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your Gun Damage and Action Skill Duration.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Gun Damage`,`+x%`,4_`Action Skill Duration`,`+x%`,15___
Passive Skill
Persistence Hunter
Go for the Eyes!

Go for the Eyes!

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Your pet's 1st Melee Attack to an enemy is always a Critical Hit, dealing increased damage.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`1st Melee Bonus Damage`,`+x%`,15____
Passive Skill
Go for the Eyes!
Who Rescued Who?

Who Rescued Who?

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Dealing Damage heals your Pet for a portion of the damage.

When your Pet deals damage, you gain Health Regeneration for a short time. When your pet deals damage early the duration resets.

Duration: 5s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Max-Health Regen/s`,`+x%`,0.4_`Pet Lifesteal`,`x%`,1___
Passive Skill
Who Rescued Who?
He Bites!

He Bites!

Tier: 5
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Your pet reflects some of the damage it takes to attackers.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Reflected Damage`,`x%`,5____
Passive Skill
He Bites!


Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Hunter Skill

When your pet deals damage, you stack Damage dealt. Stacks decay if your pet didn't deal damage for a short time.

Max Stacks: 10
Decay Delay: 3s

Loader pets are unsupported!
*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Damage`,`+x% /stack`,0.8____
Hunter Skill
Psycho Head on a Stick

Psycho Head on a Stick

Tier: 10
Max Points: 1

Hunter Kill Skill

Killing an enemy increases your pet's Movement Speed and Damage for a short time.

Duration: 8s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Pet: Move Speed`,`+x%`,12_`Pet: Damage`,`+x%`,20___
Hunter Kill Skill
Psycho Head on a Stick
Hive Mind

Hive Mind

Tier: 10
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

You deflect some damage you taken to your pet.

When you take damage your pet deals Bonus Damage for a short time.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Deflected Damage`,`x%`,5_`Pet Bonus Damage`,`+x%`,7.5___
Passive Skill
Hive Mind
Barbaric Yawp

Barbaric Yawp

Tier: 15
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases the Effect of your Pet Bonuses.

Loader pets are unaffected!
*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Pet Bonuses`,`+x%`,40____
Passive Skill
Barbaric Yawp
Mutated Defenses

Mutated Defenses

Tier: 15
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

When your pet drops below 30% Health, it gains Damage Resistance and Health Regeneration for a short time.

Duration: 6s
Cooldown: 15s

Damage Resistance: +30%
Pet Max-Health Regen/s: +6.7%

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Mutated Defenses
Pack Tactics

Pack Tactics

Tier: 20
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your Maximum Health, Pet Health, Pet Damage, and Damage dealt.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Max-Health`,`+x%`,5_`Pet: Max-Health`,`+x%`,5_`Damage`,`+x%`,7_`Pet Damage`,`+x%`,7_
Passive Skill
Pack Tactics
Shared Spirit

Shared Spirit

Tier: 20
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

While below 30% Health, you gain increased Damage Resistance and your pet heals for half of your damage taken.

Damage Resistance: +50%
Pet Healing: 50% of your damage taken

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Shared Spirit


Tier: 25
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Scoring a Critical hit while aiming or meleeing an enemy establishes Dominance and turns the target into an ally for a short time. You can only dominate one enemy at a time and only once.

The target loses 2% Max-Health/s and is more likely to be attacked. When the duration ends or the target dies, they release a Nova, dealing Radiation Area Skill Damage.

Duration: 12s
Beast Duration: 24s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Reset Tree
Interplanetary Stalker

Interplanetary Stalker

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Hunter Kill Skill

Killing an enemy grants you stacking Pet Damage and Damage dealt for a short time. Each enemy type you kill grants a unique stacking Bonus. Your Pet benefits from all bonuses.

Individual Max Stacks: 3
Individual Stack Duration: 8s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Pet Damage`,`+x% /stack`,1_`Damage`,`+x% /stack`,2_`Robot Kill: Corrosive Dmg`,`+x% /stack`,1.5_`Human Kill: Skill Dmg`,`+x% /stack`,3_`Beast Kill: Move Speed`,`+x% /stack`,1.5
Hunter Kill Skill
Interplanetary Stalker
Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace

Tier: 0
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

When you or your Pet score a Critical Hit, you have a chance to add 1 ammo to your magazine.
This has a short Cooldown.

Cooldown: 0.3s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Ammo Chance`,`x%`,12____
Passive Skill
Leave No Trace
Second Intention

Second Intention

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Hunter Kill Skill

Killing an enemy increases your and your pet's Reload Speed for a short time. Critical Kills double this bonus.

Duration: 5s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Reload Speed`,`+x%`,3____
Hunter Kill Skill
Second Intention
Hunter's Eye

Hunter's Eye

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Hunter Skill

You get different Bonuses* when fighting different enemy types.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Humans: Crit Damage`,`+x%`,6_`Robots: Bonus Damage`,`+x%`,6_`Beasts: Damage Resistance`,`+x%`,5.6__
Hunter Skill
Hunter's Eye
Head Count

Head Count

Tier: 5
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Scoring a Critical Hit, has a chance to reduce your Skill Cooldown.

Skill Cooldown: -2.0s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Head Count
Ambush Predator

Ambush Predator

Tier: 5
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

While no enemies are nearby, you gain increased Critical Damage and Weapon Handling.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Crit Damage`,`+x%`,4_`Handling`,`+x%`,20___
Passive Skill
Ambush Predator
Two F4ng

Two F4ng

Tier: 10
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Every shot has a chance to fire an Extra Projectile.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Two F4ng
Big Game

Big Game

Tier: 15
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases the Effect and Duration of your Hunter (Kill) Skill Bonuses.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Hunter Skill Bonuses`,`+x%`,10_`Hunter Skill Duration`,`+x%`,33.333___
Passive Skill
Big Game
The Most Dangerous Game

The Most Dangerous Game

Tier: 15
Max Points: 3

Hunter Kill Skill

Killing an Badass or stronger enemy, increases your and your pet's Weapon Handling, Gun, Pet, and Critical Damage for a long time.

You also receive a Cash Reward.

Duration: 120s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Crit Damage`,`+x%`,3.333_`Gun Damage`,`+x%`,8.333_`Pet Damage`,`+x%`,9_`Handling`,`+x%`,16.666_
Hunter Kill Skill
The Most Dangerous Game
Galactic Shadow

Galactic Shadow

Tier: 20
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Increases your Critical Damage and enemies are less likely to attack you.

Crit Damage: +15%

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Galactic Shadow
Grim Harvest

Grim Harvest

Tier: 20
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Gun, Skill, and Pet Damage.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Gun Damage`,`+x%`,3_`Skill Damage`,`+x%`,5_`Pet Damage`,`+x%`,7__
Passive Skill
Grim Harvest


Tier: 25
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

All your shots have a chance to be a Critical Hit.

Crit Chance: 20%

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Reset Tree
Gotta Go Fast

Gotta Go Fast

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Pet's Damage and Movement Speed.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Pet: Damage`,`+x%`,7_`Pet: Move Speed`,`+x%`,8___
Passive Skill
Gotta Go Fast
Success Imminent

Success Imminent

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

When your or your pet's Shield breaks or fills up, both of you create a Nova, dealing Radiation Area Skill Damage.

Cooldown: 3s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Success Imminent
Agility Training

Agility Training

Tier: 0
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your and your pet's Reload Speed.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Reload Speed`,`+x%`,8____
Passive Skill
Agility Training
Better Toys

Better Toys

Tier: 5
Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Improves your and your pet's Shield Recharge Rate and Delay.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Recharge Rate`,`+x%`,6_`Recharge Delay`,`-x%`,8___
Passive Skill
Better Toys
Combat Veterinarian

Combat Veterinarian

Tier: 5
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Shooting your pet's attack target, heals your pet for 30% of your damage dealt.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Combat Veterinarian


Tier: 5
Max Points: 3

Hunter Skill

Your Pet gets a Chance to score Critical Hits.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Pet: Crit Chance`,`x%`,5____
Hunter Skill
Lethal Force Authorized

Lethal Force Authorized

Tier: 10
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Reduces your Pet's Respawn Time.

When your Loader Pet would enter Fight For Your Life, it instead turns into an EXP Loader.
The EXP Loader charges at an enemy and self-destructs, dealing Fire Area Pet Damage in a large radius.

Pet Respawn Time: -33.3%

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Lethal Force Authorized
Take This!

Take This!

Tier: 10
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Your pet gains a copy of your Shield with its Effects.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Take This!
Monkey Do!

Monkey Do!

Tier: 15
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your pet's Critical Damage.

When your pet scores a Critical Hit, your next shot is converted to Physical Amp Damage.

Amp Damage: +86%

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Pet Crit Damage`,`+x%`,14____
Passive Skill
Monkey Do!
Wooly Armor

Wooly Armor

Tier: 15
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

While your Shield is full, your pet gains Damage Resistance.

Pet Damage Resistance: +75%

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
Passive Skill
Wooly Armor
Not Even a Challenge

Not Even a Challenge

Tier: 15
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

When your pet gets a kill, you gain stacking Action Skill Duration and Cooldown Rate for a short time.

Max Stacks: 10
Stack Duration: 12s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Skill Duration`,`+x%`,7_`Cooldown Rate`,`+x%`,7___
Passive Skill
Not Even a Challenge
Fuzzy Math

Fuzzy Math

Tier: 20
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

When you or your pet scores a Critical Hit, you two restore a Shield portion.

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Max-Shield Restored`,`x%`,3____
Passive Skill
Fuzzy Math
Keep Them Safe

Keep Them Safe

Tier: 20
Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Issuing an Attack Command while you or your pet is below 50% Shield, causes you two to restore a Shield portion.

Cooldown: 12s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Max-Shield Restored`,`x%`,10____
Passive Skill
Keep Them Safe


Tier: 25
Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Activating your Action Skill, starts your Shield Recharge and doubles your Current Shield for a short time.

Duration: 16s
Cooldown: 16s

*Advanced Details on Skill Page.
`Current Shield`,`+x%`,100____
Passive Skill
Reset Tree