
Borderlands 3Polyaimourous
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- ContentBroken Hearts Day
- Weapon TypeSMG
- RarityLegendary
- ManufacturerMaliwan
- Elements
PolyaimourousAll Details
Primary Element toggleable between Fire and Shock.
Requires a < 1 sec charge up before shooting a continuous elemental Laser Beam that chains to nearby enemies.
- Elements
- Listed Projectiles
- Shot Cost
- Weapon Partsvariantsfixed parts
- Anointmentpossiblenone
- Splash Anointspossiblenone
Weapons usually get one part per group, but sometimes multiple or none. Numbers in the top-right indicate the range of parts a group can have.
Parts usually have equal drop chances, or it's indicated nearby.
PolyaimourousHow to get it?
General Farming Guidance
Like all of the three Borderlands 3 events, Broken Hearts Day is free and was added to the base game on June 24, 2021.
You can enable one of the three events at a time in the main menu ▸ Play.
To quickly farm the exclusive Broken Hearts Day weapons, look for enemy-dense areas.
They will always be level 72 or higher, regardless of your current level.
Each enemy has a chance to spawn with a Loot Heart and the top places are:
- Scraptrap Prime: The Scraptrap Nest is dense with enemies and easy to farm.
To respawn all Scraptraps, simply stay on the outermost edge of the exit ledge for a short time. - Voracious Canopy: You find a high enemy density at the map's entrance and by the waterfall in the Battleship Wreck.
- The Slaughter Shaft: Each round in the Slaughter Shaft spawns dozens of enemies.