FL4K SkillFalconer's Feast
- GameBorderlands 3
- ClassFL4K
- Skill TreeHunter
- Skill TypeAugment
- Skill Tier10
- Max Points1
- Armor Boost
Falconer's FeastSkill Info
Falconer's Feast
Dealing Damage with Rakk Attack, restores a portion of your Health.
Max-Health restored: 7%
Falconer's FeastBoosting Class Mods
Guerrillas in the Mist
Fade Away no longer ends after 3 shots, but it has less Duration and Critical Damage.
Crit Damage: +25%
Fade Away Duration: 5s
Atomic Aroma
While Gamma Burst is active, your Pet radiates, dealing constant Radiation Area Damage to nearby enemies.
Not My Circus
When Fade Away ends, your pet Taunts nearby enemies and receives increased Damage Resistance for a short time.
Taunt Duration: 6s
Pet Damage Resistance: +80%
Loader Pets are unsupported!
Falconer's Feast
Dealing Damage with Rakk Attack, restores a portion of your Health.
Max-Health restored: 7%
Until You Are Dead
Your Health Regeneration and Movement Speed bonuses persists for 10s after Fade Away ends.
When you or your Pet kill an enemy during Gamma Burst extends its duration and increases Pet Damage for the duration.
These effects stack.
Max Stacks: 5
Gamma Burst Duration: +3s /kill
Pet Damage: +10% /kill
Trap Card
While Gravity Snare is ready for activation, you'll throw your Trap at the enemy that downs you.
Duration: 16s
Blind with Anger
Instead of stunning enemies Gravity Snare Confuses enemies, causing them to attack their allies for a short time.
Confuse Duration: 8s
Burst Aid
The Rift Gamma Burst creates remains for the full duration, granting Health Regeneration to nearby allies.
Max-Health Regen/s: +20%
Unblinking Eye
Hitting a target during Fade Away increases your Critical Damage. This resets every 3 hits.
Crit Damage: +75% /hit
Falconer's FeastAlternative passive skills
Falconer's Feast
Dealing Damage with Rakk Attack, restores a portion of your Health.
Max-Health restored: 7%