Borderlands TPSData Scrubber
Peer-to-peer shield sharing.
- ContentClaptastic Voyage
- Transfusion
- RarityRare
- ManufacturerMaliwan
- Elements
Data ScrubberAll Details
The Data Scrubber explodes on impact and creates homing Shield Boosters for each damaged enemy.
- Elements
- variationsfixed parts
- Luneshinepossiblenone
Data Scrubber - Delivery Method
The Data Scrubber has a fixed unique Delivery Method.
- The “Data Scrubber” grenade mod will now use a more appropriate material.
Data ScrubberHow to get it?
General Farming Guidance
Claptastic Voyage items in Borderlands The Pre-Sequel can come from dedicated sources or the exclusive DLC World Pool. Here’s your quick start guide:
Farming Preparations
- Identify the Best Source: The Sources below are generally ranked from best to worst. Make sure to complete any required quests and be aware of Source Restrictions.
- Locate the Source: Make sure you have unlocked the Location.
- Equip Your Character: Equip your character to easily overcome enemies.
- Set Spawn Point: Find the closest:
- Fast Travel Station: Save the game by toggling Badass Rank.
- Map Entry: Make a quick round-trip through the entry to save.
Bonus Tips
- Combine Runs: Get more loot per run by integrating nearby sources into your farming route.
- Track Progress: Track your runs to more precisely predict drops and more clearly monitor progress. Additionally, time your runs to see how tweaks affect your farming efficiency.
- Speed it up: Explore shortcuts and boost your movement speed to minimize travel time. Also, aim to shorten your time to kill with higher DPS or big damage bursts.
- Realistic Expectations: Be patient and persistent when farming. Despite precise, verified drop rates, your actual runs might exceed or fall short of inferred expectations.