
Borderlands TPSContraband Sky Rocket
WARNING: Not intended for indoor use.
- ContentVeterans Day
- Unique
- RarityRare
- ManufacturerScav
- Elements
Contraband Sky RocketAll Details
When thrown the Contraband Sky Rocket flies up and explodes like fireworks.
Contraband Sky Rocket's Damage is linked to Player Level.
- Elements
- variationsfixed parts
- Luneshinepossiblenone
Contraband Sky Rocket - Delivery Method
The Contraband Sky Rocket has a fixed unique Delivery Method.
Contraband Sky RocketHow to get it?
Expired Availability
To celebrate Veteran's Day on November 11, 2014, Gearbox added Celebration Barrels to Borderlands The Pre-Sequel for a few days.
When destroyed, these event-exclusive barrels had a 3.3% Chance to drop the Contraband Sky Rocket Grenade.