
Borderlands 2Legendary Sniper
"Boom! Headshot."
- ContentDigistruct Peak
- ClassZer0
- RarityLegendary
- ManufacturerJakobs
- Skill Bonuses
Legendary SniperAll Details
At max level the Legendary Sniper Class Mod grants the following 3 stat bonuses:
Sniper Damage: +55%
Crit Damage: +55%
Shield Capacity: -1,101,229
The Item Card's "Sniper Crit Damage" increases crit damage for all weapons, not just snipers.
Developer Note
The regular Sniper is inferior to its Legendary version in every metric, thus hasn't been granted a stand-alone page. The displayed Class Mod uses the regular Sniper's texture, to make it easier to distinguish.
Borderlands 2 Class Mods can boost up to 6 different skills by 4, 5 or 6 Points. A Class Mod's Bonus Point distribution depends on its rarity, level and parts.
Here are the maximum distributions at Level 50 and above:
Rare: (6/5)
Epic: (5/4/4)
Legendary: (5/5/5/5/5)
Slayer of Terramorphous: (4/4/4/4/4)
The Sniper's non-legendary variants can only boost these skills:
Precisi0n, 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill, Headsh0t
Armor Prefix
The Skills an Armor comes with depend on the 2 Classes Powers and their order. Select the Main and Secondary Class to see the Armor's Prefix and which skills it can have.