
Warped ParadigmAll Details
The Warped Paradigm increases [2 Damage Types] by 35% of the remaining Damage Type.
The Warped Paradigm can come with any combination of these 3 Damage Types:
- Ability Damage
- Spell Damage
- Melee Damage
Legendary and Epic Class Mods get 5 Bonus Points that are distributed randomly. A Skill's maximum Bonus Points depend on its original maximum.
5-Point Skills: 0 to +5 points
3-Point Skills: 0 to +3 points
1-Point Skills: 0 to +1 points
The Skills an Armor comes with depend on the 2 Classes Powers and their order. Select the Main and Secondary Class to see the Armor's Prefix and which skills it can have.
Legendary and Epic Armor come with a Primary and Secondary Class Power, that are distinct. All Values shown are from Ascended Armor.
Class Power
- +52.6% Main [Class] Power
- +26.3% Secondary [Class] Power
Passive Stats
Armor can have 2 or 3 out of 19 Passive Stats that are separated into 6 distinct Stat-Clusters. Each Stat-Cluster can not be accessed more than once!
- +29.7% Damage Dealt
- +49.4% Ability Damage
- +49.4% Gun Damage
- +49.4% Spell Damage
- +49.4% Melee Damage
- +49.4% Companion Damage
- +29.7% Area Damage
- +19.8% Fire Rate
- +59.3% Gun Crit Chance
- +59.3% Spell Crit Chance
- +59.3% Melee Crit Chance
- +59.3% Companion Crit Chance
- +59.3% Ability Crit Chance
- +39.5% Move Speed
- +59.3% Max-Health
- +3.0% Missing-Health Regen/s
- +59.3% Max-Ward
- +59.3% Ward Regen Rate
- -84.7% Ward Regen Delay
- Adjusted Warped Paradigm’s stat conversion from 50% to 35%.
Warped ParadigmHow to get it?
General Farming Guidance
Base Game Items in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands are often obtainable from many sources, including those in DLCs. Here’s your quick start guide:
Farming Preparations
- Identify the Best Source: The Sources below are generally ranked from best to worst. Make sure to complete any required quests and be aware of Source Restrictions.
- Locate the Source: Make sure you have unlocked the Location.
- Equip Your Character: Equip your character to easily overcome enemies.
- Set Spawn Point: Locate the nearest Save Station to use as your spawn point.
Bonus Tips
- Combine Runs: Get more loot per run by integrating nearby sources into your farming route.
- Track Progress: Track your runs to more precisely predict drops and more clearly monitor progress. Additionally, time your runs to see how tweaks affect your farming efficiency.
- Speed it up: Explore shortcuts and boost your movement speed to minimize travel time. Also, aim to shorten your time to kill with higher DPS or big damage bursts.
- Realistic Expectations: Be patient and persistent when farming. Despite precise, verified drop rates, your actual runs might exceed or fall short of inferred expectations.
- Drop Rates: In Wonderlands, Dedicated Drop Rates directly depend on your Loot Luck. The raised number next to the Source indicates Loot Luck.
- Drop Rate Formula:
P = Dedicated Loot Pool Chance
L = Loot Luck