
Borderlands 3Cmdl3t
The one you feed.
- ContentDesigner's Cut
- ClassFL4K
- RarityLegendary
- Manufacturer
- Skill Bonuses
Cmdl3tAll Details
Whenever Fl4k damages an enemy their pet has a 20% chance to automatically attack that enemy and use it's attack command.
This skill has a 6 second cooldown.
Borderlands 3 Class Mods can't be anointed nor have a Mayhem Level.
Legendary and Epic Class Mods get 5 Bonus Points that are distributed randomly. A Skill's maximum Bonus Points depend on its original maximum.
5-Point Skills: 0 to +5 points
3-Point Skills: 0 to +3 points
1-Point Skills: 0 to +1 points
The Cmdl3t's Skill Keep Them Save differs from the Borderlands 3 standard.
Capacitance: 0 to +1 Points
Better Toys: 0 to +3 Points
Keep Them Safe: 0 to +3 Points
The Skills an Armor comes with depend on the 2 Classes Powers and their order. Select the Main and Secondary Class to see the Armor's Prefix and which skills it can have.
In Borderlands 3 Class Mods have 2 or 3 random Stats out of these 4 Categories. Legendary Class Mods have 3 stats while epics have only 2 and Each stat can only occur once!
Damage Stats
- +35% Weapon Dmg
- +44% [Weapon-Type] Dmg
- +26% Crit Dmg
- +17% Fire Rate
- +43% Skill Dmg
- +69% Melee Dmg
- +41% Grenade Dmg
- +39% Splash Dmg
Survivability Stats
- +9,902 Health
- +990 Health Regen/s
- +11,091 Shield Capacity
- +50% Recharge Rate
- -26% Recharge Delay
- +25% [Element] Resistance
- -25% Dmg Reduction
Utility Stats
- +32% Mag Size
- +26% Reload Speed
- +75% Weapon Charge Speed
- +43% Cooldown Rate
- +37% Splash Radius
- +7 Grenade Capacity
- +34% Grenade Radius
- +39% Accuracy
- +41% Handling
Manufacturer Stats
- +46% Atlas Fire Rate
- +34% COV Fire Rate
- +74% Torgue Projectile Speed
- [Atlas, COV, DAHL, Hyperion, Jakobs, Maliwan, Tediore, Torgue, Vladof]
+14% [Manufacturer] Weapon Dmg - [DAHL, Hyperion, Maliwan, Tediore, Vladof]
+22% [Manufacturer] Fire Rate - [Atlas, DAHL, Hyperion, Jakobs]
+64% [Manufacturer] Crit Dmg - [Atlas, DAHL, Hyperion, Jakobs, Maliwan, Tediore, Torgue, Vladof]
+36% [Manufacturer] Reload Speed - [COV, DAHL, Jakobs, Maliwan, Tediore, Torgue, Vladof]
+69% [Manufacturer] Accuracy
- Addressed a reported concern that the Cmdl3t Class Mod was causing pets to behave strangely.
Cmdl3tHow to get it?
General Farming Guidance
Cmdl3tDrop Rates
Mayhem increases chances.
Bunker Others: 4 - 5.6%
H. Harker Others: 0.8 - 0.9%