
Borderlands 3Earworm
The deadliest summer hit.
- ContentAnniversary
- Weapon TypeAssault Rifle
- RarityRare
- ManufacturerDAHL
- Elements
EarwormAll Details
While firing the Earworm plays rock music.
Firing Modes:
The Earworm can swap between Full-Auto and 5-Round Burst.
- Elements
- Listed Projectiles
- Shot Cost
- Weapon Partsvariantsfixed parts
- Anointmentpossiblenone
- Splash Anointspossiblenone
Weapons usually get one part per group, but sometimes multiple or none. Numbers in the top-right indicate the range of parts a group can have.
Parts usually have equal drop chances, or it's indicated nearby.
- Foregrip_1-30% Vertical Recoil
+5% Reload Speed - Foregrip_2-30% Sway
+5% Fire Rate - Foregrip_3-30% Vertical Recoil
+10% Accuracy
- Grip_5-30% Sway
+10% Mag Size
-10% Accuracy
-5% Damage - Grip_6-15% Vertical Recoil
+20% Accuracy
- Rail_1
- Rail_2
- Rail_3
- Rail_41.3x Zoom
ScopeRequire: Rail_1|2|3
- Scope_12.2x & 5x Zoom
- Scope_31.5x & 5x Zoom
EarwormHow to get it?
Expired Availability
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Borderlands, Gearbox organized 5 weekly events in October and November of 2019.
Boss Week (Oct 1-7) was the first of these weekly events and increased the legendary drop rates for various bosses in Borderlands 3.
During this week, the Earworm Assault Rifle was also added to Graveward's Loot Pool.
To celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of Borderlands 3, Gearbox organized a two-day event from Sep 13-15, 2021.
During the event, loot enemies had higher spawn rates, and the Bekah and Earworm Assault Rifles were added to their loot pool.