Claptrap SkillManiacal Laughter
- GameBorderlands TPS
- ClassClaptrap
- Skill TreeI Love You Guys!
- Skill TypePassive Skill
- Skill Tier0
- Max Points5
- Armor Boost
Maniacal LaughterSkill Info
Maniacal Laughter
Passive Skill
Increases your Status Effect Chance.
Dealing Status Effect Damage to enemies grants you and your team stacking Health Regeneration.
Max Stacks: 200
Stack Duration: 8s
Maniacal LaughterBoosting Class Mods
Drop the Hammer
Passive Skill
Reloading increases your Fire Rate and Reload Speed but reduces your Accuracy for a short time.
Duration: 10s
Best Buds 4 Life
Passive Skill
Extends your Fight for your Life Duration and during it you gain increased Gun Damage.
Whenever you gain a second wind or you revive an ally, both of you gain Health Regeneration and Damage Resistance for a short time.
Duration: 12s
Fuzzy Logic
Passive Skill
Taking enemy damage increases your Crit Damage for a short time.
The Duration resets each time you take damage.
Duration: 6s
Maniacal Laughter
Passive Skill
Increases your Status Effect Chance.
Dealing Status Effect Damage to enemies grants you and your team stacking Health Regeneration.
Max Stacks: 200
Stack Duration: 8s
Passive Skill
Killing an enemy transfers a portion of your Shield into Health.
Not enough Shield?
No worries... FREE HEALTH!
Kick Him While He's Down
Passive Skill
Entering Fighting for Your Life taunts nearby enemies, making them more likely to attack you.
Digistruct a giant bomb that hurts everything around it when it explodes.
All The Things Are Awesome!
Passive Skill
Increases your Fire Rate, Weapon Swap Speed, and Maximum Health. Each ally further increases these Bonuses:
Fire Rate: ×33.3% /ally
Swap Speed: ×33.3% /ally
Max-Health: ×40% /ally
Passive Skill
When struck by a melee attack, you Knock Back the attacker, dealing Explosive Damage.
Cooldown: 5s
Coincidental Combustion
Passive Skill
Your Non-Explosive guns have a chance to deal Bonus Explosive Damage.
Bonus Explosive Damage: +115%
Through Thick and Thin
Passive Skill
Increases your Skill Cooldown Rate.
While VaultHunter.EXE is active, your team also receives this bonus.
Surprised? Stabilize!
Passive Skill
Taking enemy damage increases your Accuracy and Recoil Reduction for a short time.
Duration: 6s
Blue Shell
Passive Skill
Increases your Fight For Your Life Duration.
While in Fight For Your Life, you gain increased Gun Damage, Fire Rate, and Reload Speed.
Passive Skill
Multiplies your active Subroutine Bonuses and Penalties by up to 3.
The multiplier increases with fewer Frag Stacks. All Defensive Subroutine Bonuses are always tripled, regardless of stacks.
One Shot Wonder:
Every shot empties all bullets from your magazine.
Second Wind (by Tediore)
Passive Skill
When you enter Fight For Your Life, you throw out a digistructed Claptrap that explodes near an enemy.
Additionally, you periodically create Explosive Novas once every 5s.
You're... GOING TO LOVE ME!!
Passive Skill
Enemies you kill, create a Healing Nova that heals you and your allies for 15% Missing-Health.
Gun Wizard:
You and your allies gain +100% Reload Speed and +100% Fire Rate.
Wax Off, Wax On
Passive Skill
Improves your Maximum Shield, Shield Recharge Rate, and Shield Recharge Delay.
It's a Trap... Card
Passive Skill
On Shield break, you create a Mega-Nova that deals Explosive Damage to nearby enemies and heals you and your allies for 15% Missing-Health.
Your shield must fully recharge between Novas.
Load 'n' Splode
Passive Skill
Reloading grants stacking Explosive Damage dealt for a short time.
Max Stacks: 5
Stack Duration: 14s
Start With a Bang
Passive Skill
Your 1st shot from a full magazine creates an Explosive Nova that damages nearby enemies.
It also damages you based on your current Health.
Kick Him While He's Up
Passive Skill
Getting a Second Wind increases your Gun, Melee, and Crit Damage for a long time.
Duration: 30s
One Last Thing
Passive Skill
Your last shot* from a magazine deals increased Damage.
You get the full bonus with 8 or more Magazine Size. The bonus decreases by 10% with each ammo below 8.
Min. Mag Size: 2
Float like a Bee
Passive Skill
Increases your Melee Damage.
Killing an enemy with melee damage adds Frag Stacks, Restores Health, and increases Movement Speed for a short time.
Duration: 6s
Maniacal LaughterAlternative passive skills
Best Buds 4 Life
Passive Skill
Extends your Fight for your Life Duration and during it you gain increased Gun Damage.
Whenever you gain a second wind or you revive an ally, both of you gain Health Regeneration and Damage Resistance for a short time.
Duration: 12s
Maniacal Laughter
Passive Skill
Increases your Status Effect Chance.
Dealing Status Effect Damage to enemies grants you and your team stacking Health Regeneration.
Max Stacks: 200
Stack Duration: 8s
Through Thick and Thin
Passive Skill
Increases your Skill Cooldown Rate.
While VaultHunter.EXE is active, your team also receives this bonus.
Kick Him While He's Down
Passive Skill
Entering Fighting for Your Life taunts nearby enemies, making them more likely to attack you.
Digistruct a giant bomb that hurts everything around it when it explodes.
All The Things Are Awesome!
Passive Skill
Increases your Fire Rate, Weapon Swap Speed, and Maximum Health. Each ally further increases these Bonuses:
Fire Rate: ×33.3% /ally
Swap Speed: ×33.3% /ally
Max-Health: ×40% /ally
You're... GOING TO LOVE ME!!
Passive Skill
Enemies you kill, create a Healing Nova that heals you and your allies for 15% Missing-Health.
Gun Wizard:
You and your allies gain +100% Reload Speed and +100% Fire Rate.
Wax Off, Wax On
Passive Skill
Improves your Maximum Shield, Shield Recharge Rate, and Shield Recharge Delay.
It's a Trap... Card
Passive Skill
On Shield break, you create a Mega-Nova that deals Explosive Damage to nearby enemies and heals you and your allies for 15% Missing-Health.
Your shield must fully recharge between Novas.