
Borderlands TPSInsecurities

- Source TypeEnemy
- LocationSubconscious
- Quest Type
- Quest Giver
Within the Subconscious, Insecurities have a slightly altered name and wear medieval armor. List of all Insecurities:
- Insecurity Bot / PatrolBot / WatchBot
- Sniper.Runtime / Snapshot.App / Silencer.App
- Flight=True / Liftoff/Engage / Jetboost.On
- Flight=Always / Hover-TP / Wing.TP
- Fire/Wall / Firestorm-Protocol / Inferno.exe
- (Super/Ultimate) Badass Defender.SubRoutine
- (Super/Ultimate) Badass WH33L-TP
- (Reinforced/Armored) CL4P-Turret
- (Reinforced/Armored) CL4P-Launcher
- Minion
- MINAC Minion
- 5H4D0W-TP