
Borderlands 2Skin of the Ancients
- ContentUltimate Upgrade
- Survivability
- RarityE-Tech
- Elements
Skin of the AncientsAll Details
Relic appears with 1, 2 or 3 Elemental Resistances: Physical, Fire, Shock, Corrosive, Explosive
Relic appears with 1 or 2 Shield Bonuses: Capacity, Recharge Rate
Maximum of 4 effects.
The Skin of the Ancients combines the effects of the Resistance and Protection Relic.
Utility Abilities
Last Stand
5s Invulnerability when Health drops below 50%.
Cooldown: 40sElemental Projector
+129% [Element] Dmg for elemental status effects applied to you.Flesh Melter
On kill, stacks a buff up to 5 times and each lasts 12.5s.
Each stack: +32% Corrosive DmgAtom Balm
+50% Radiation Aura Dmg
+25% Radiation Burst Dmg
+25% Radiation Burst RadiusLoot Expanding
+137% Cash Pickups
+40% Ammo Pickups
+65% Health PickupsIce Breaker
+50% Dmg to Frozen Enemies
+61% Cryo Efficiency
Melee/Slide/Slam Abilities
Dealing Melee, Slide or Slam Damage grants you
+13% Fire Rate and +20% Sprint Speed for 10s.Cutpurse
Dealing Melee, Slide or Slam Damage
restores 13% Ammo for you and allies.[Element] Stone
Melee, Slide, and Slam Damage deals
+80% Bonus [Element] DamageKnife Drain
+75% Melee/Slide/Slam Lifesteal
Slide Abilities
Slide: +95% Incendiary Dmg
Incendiary puddle on slide impact.
Cooldown: 10sElectric Slide
Slide: +95% Shock Dmg
While sliding shock beams chain up to 7 nearby enemies.Caustic Coast
Slide: +50% Corrosive Dmg
While sliding shoots 10 corrosive Shards/s.Snowdrift
Slide: +95% Cryo Dmg & +158% Speed
Slide launches Cryo Snowball.
Cooldown: 5sRadiodead
Slide: +95% Radiation Dmg
Radiation puddle on slide impact.
Puddle duration: 5s
Slam Abilities
Hot Drop
Slam: +125% Incendiary Dmg & +50% Radius
On impact: Launches 5 fireballs that leave magma puddles.Spark Plug
Slam: +125% Shock Dmg & +50% Radius
On impact:
Spawns tesla-coil that deals Shock Slide-Dmg to nearby enemies for 8s.Toxic Revenger
Slam: +125% Corrosive Dmg & +50% Radius
On impact: spawns Corrosive puddle for 5s.Ice Spiker
Slam: +125% Cryo Dmg & +50% Radius
On impact: Launches 3 Cryo Spikes that pierce enemies.
Cryo Spikes deal Amara's Action Skill Damage.Mind Melt
Slam: +125% Radiation Dmg & +50% Radius
On impact: Creates Radiation Aura around player for 8s.Rear Ender
+110% Slam Dmg
+50% Slam Radius
+75% Slam Knockback